Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Veggie Saturday!

Saturday 20th March 2010,
The first successful Saturday where Prem and I were vegetarians for an entire day.
Even though it was only for a day, I felt thoroughly light and fresh. I wasn't lethargic or moody. I am seriously thinking of being vegetarian on a more often basis.

However, we have yet to figure out choices of food for vegans. There seem to be very few choices for now. Yesterday, we made a trip to Paragon, bought 2 bowls of salads and a packet of sunflower seeds. And that only cost us about SGD6.

That was delicious! And healthy. I guess it was because I ate it and had no guilty feeling at all. I was truly happy. Sometimes in life, the simplest things makes one happy.

As for dinner, we went to Loving Hut at Peace Ctr and ordered more vegetarian food. This was the one other place which we know of. As we had once stumbled upon it, a long time ago. They offer food that appeals to the eyes and taste buds. They also provide a tv programme called, Constructive News and Note Worthy News. I personally think that the news is excellent as they bring positive thoughts to anyone watching it while waiting for the food to be served.

As I sat there waiting for my meal, I allowed myself to be absorbed by the positive energy. The world has already too much of negative energy, being there gave me an extra sense of peace.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Life In Singapore and Supplements

Its been awhile since I wrote here. Time has been packed with the hustle and bustle of Singapore life.

I often think to myself, why work so hard? Is it worth it? I have landed myself a lecturing position in an institution. Work is bountiful as in every other job, however the rewards are the satisfaction that I obtain from my work. So I guess in many ways it is worth it.

I have always had a weak constitution. If not for my fiance Prem, I would probably be still be a sick cat. I realise that I have a really difficult system. I can't consume 'cooling' food because I tend to catch cold often and neither can I consume 'heaty' foods. Gosh.

So in the end, lately I have limited myself to fruits, vegetables and wheat bread. Pathetic, is it not?

Thank God for supplements and thank Prem for supplying them. I really have learnt that supplements are really important for me, and I think for many people out there too. They have helped me maintain my strength and energy which I constantly need in class.

Honestly, I forgot to take them today, and now I realise why I am feeling exhausted and as a result feeling emotionally low. I sort of was grumpy earlier today and consequently didn't have a relaxing time with Prem. I am sorry for my actions.

I will post pictures of the supplements that I take soon to serve as a reminder to me!