Monday, May 25, 2009

In Pursue of Happiness

While doing our best in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we should also put in major effort in achieving a healthy mind. 

Did you know that being happy could add years to your life span?! Happiness can't cure illnesses, it can however, help healthy people live about 7.5 to 10 years longer, according to 30 studies. Being happy can make one more likely to watch his/her diet and be more perceptive of illnesses. Staying upbeat, being optimistic surely helps in getting more work done and done effectively too. Staying happy around people can also help spread that happy 'germ' around.

Here are some ways to achieve HAPPINESS:

Get worry out of the way by setting a worry time, such as 30 mins daily; preferably after work. Having this means that, when it is time to worry, sit and worry for that worry time only and when a worry comes up along the day, put it aside till worry time comes along and worry then. This emphasizes on the fact on being in the present.

Many researches have shown that altruism is a powerful catalyst for happiness. Hence random act of kindness can not only bring happiness to others but to yourself too. So head out there and make it a goal to do at least one kind act a day. Smiling is an easy way to start, putting a smile on your face will in turn put a smile on someone else's. A tiny smile from the heart may brighten someone's day.

What is your definition of happiness? Happiness can come in the form of contentment. Sometimes, satisfying a craving or just eating a simple nutritious meal can be pure joy as it brings contentment to you. Waking up each day and being able to see the sun is in itself a happiness to me.

Truly, being curious makes living a whole lot more fun. Set time aside for doing something new, like a new sport, reading new findings, visiting a new place, taking up a new hobby etc. Learning is the key to a happier life. 
Learn something new everyday.

Skeletons in All of Us

As we mature with time, our skeletons lose their strength naturally. Our skeletons are what hold our frames, often we experience aches and pains. No matter how much calcium we take, as time passes, the pressure that gravity puts on our bones shows no mercy. 

We can't fight the forces of nature, we can, however, take action in caring for our bones. We can save ourselves from injury by doing chores correctly.

Our knees are our largest joints in our bodies, it is then only right that we make sure that they are less prone to injuries. Trust me, our knees get most of the jerks, knocks and abrasions on a daily basis. Wear supportive footwear to lessen the impact on the knees. 

Sitting up straight is essential. Pick a butt rest that supports the curve of your lower back. If that isn't possible, fret not. Use a roll up towel and place it between your lower back and the back of the chair. Always sit with your spine lengthened and shoulders wide.

Always prepare yourself for a cough or sneeze. Sudden sneezes and coughs can cause jerks. Such sudden movements can jerk a weakened torso forwards and as a result, injure the spine. So, whenever, you feel a sneeze or a cough coming, bend your knees, set your back straight and put a hand on your thigh for support. Or brace your lower back with your hand to stay upright. Not easy to follow, this can be done with much practice. However, it will be worth the effort. 

Doing chores such as vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, can surely put a strain on your back. So it is important to bend your knees and hips and NOT your waist. Push and pull instead of twisting. Do you realise that we seldom bend our knees even when we walk? As a result, the impact is relatively large on our knees, causing more injuries and of course more aches.

When leaning down to load the washing machine or to make the bed, it will be wise not to sag from your waist, but instead bend your knees and hips while keeping your lower back straight.

Lastly, even I am sometimes guilty of this! I often simply bend my back and lift heavy objects from the ground. When lifting heavy objects from the ground, squat with back straightened and/or get someone to help. Lifting heavy objects can cause compression fracture as a great deal of pressure is put on the spine. So please be more mindful and spare your bones.

Sun-Dried NOT!

Calling all Earth people,

The weather has been really unforgiving. Scorching sun and sweltering heat. Taking care of our skin is a must, slapping on SPF, loads of sunscreen. This will prevent premature aging and most importantly, taking this little time to protect our largest organ can prevent skin cancer. 

Dermatologists in Universities in Manchester and Newcastle studied that people who take tomato paste and olive oil regularly (psst... these are present in foods such as pasta) are found to have a third more protection on their skin as compared to people who only consume olive oil. The dermatologists believe that protection of our skin can be done through our diets. So fight ageing and skin cancer through our tummies!

Eat well, feel good and look great!